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1. Give Him Space:

Respect his boundaries and give him space to process his feelings. Avoid putting pressure on him or constantly bringing up your feelings for him.

2. Focus on Friendship:

Continue to build a strong friendship with him without placing too much emphasis on your romantic feelings. Enjoy spending time together and getting to know each other better.

3. Be Patient:

Give him time to sort out his feelings and decide what he wants. Avoid rushing or pushing him into making a decision.

4. Keep Your Options Open:

While you're waiting to see how things unfold with your crush, keep your options open and don't limit yourself to just one person. Explore other potential romantic interests and focus on your own personal growth and happiness.

5. Communicate Openly:

If the opportunity arises, have an open and honest conversation with him about your feelings and ask him about his. This can help clarify where you both stand and what you're looking for in your relationship.

6. Accept the Outcome:

Be prepared for any outcome, whether it's a romantic relationship, remaining friends, or him not reciprocating your feelings. Accepting the outcome will help you move forward and focus on your own happiness.