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The correct spelling of konnichiwa is こんにちは. In social media posts, you might sometimes see it spelled as こんにちわ, but this is technically incorrect. The two characters don't actually have the same sound—は is "hah". You use it even though the phrase has a "wa" sound at the end because it's a particle marker. "Konnichiwa" is technically an incomplete sentence, not a greeting in and of itself, so こんにちは actually means "as of today," and would be followed by some sort of statement about the day or asking how the other person is doing. But when people are using "konnichiwa" as a greeting by itself, they might spell it こんにちわ because they're spelling it the way it sounds. Even native speakers do this! So which should you use? If you're a beginning learner, it's best to learn the correct way. Once you understand why that way is correct, you'll know when it's appropriate to bend the rules.

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