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A=area, L=length of 1 equal side, b=base, θ=HALF of angle between 2 equal sides. Split the triangle in half down the middle. The middle line is h, the height. Analyze the left triangle, where L is the hypotenuse and the smallest angle is θ. The smallest side is b/2, and the last side is h. sinθ = (b/2) / L --> b/2 = Lsinθ. cosθ = h/L --> h = Lcosθ. A = (1/2)bh = (b/2)h = (Lsinθ)(Lcosθ)=(L^2)sinθcosθ. sin(2θ) = 2sinθcosθ (by trig identities) --> sinθcosθ = (1/2)sin(2θ). --> A = (L^2)sinθcosθ = (1/2)(L^2)sin(2θ). Because A and L are known, the above equation can be used to find sin(2θ). Arcsin of sin(2θ) gives 2θ, allowing you to find θ. Then, you can find b from the equation: b/2 = Lsinθ.

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