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We actually have 2 types of , $K_c$ and $K_p$

$K_c$ is in terms of concentration, so will include aqueous species, mixture of liquids and gases.

$K_p$ is in terms of of gases, so will naturally apply to gases only.

Let's have an example to differentiate $K_c$ and $K_p$ and make things clearer.

For the below reaction:

A(aq) + 2B(g) = 3C(s) + 4D(aq)

$K_c$ is in terms of concentration so all the terms, except C which is a solid, are included.

Concentration of a solid is equal to its which is always a constant term, so it'll just be part of K and therefore not in the K expression.

Therefore $K_c = [D]^4/([A][B]^2$

For $K_p$ we only include the partial pressure of gases, so only partial pressure of B, $P_B$, will be included.

Therefore $K_p = 1/(P_B)^2$

Hope this clarifies!

Warmest regards!

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