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The physical law that the volume of a fixed mass of gas held at a constant pressure varies directly with the absolute temperature.

This law states that the volume of a given amount of gas ,at a constant pressure gas varies with its temperature

or simply we can say that the volume of gas changes with its temperature. At a higher temperature , a gas will take up more volume ( expands) , at a lower temperature, a gas will take up lesser volume or it contracts.

Let us suppose that we have a given amount of gas enclose in a balloon, the temperature of the gas is $T_1$ (Kelvin) , and it takes up the volume $V_1$ (Liter). If the Temperature is changed to a new value called $T_2$ , then the volume changes to $V_2$.

as per the law the ratio of Volume / temperature stays the same, if one increases , the other decreases but the ratio does not change.

$V_1$ / $T_1$ = k ......(a)

$ V_2$ / $T_2$ = k ......(b)

equating the two equations (a) and (b)

$V_1$ / $T_1$ = $V_2$ /$T_2$


$V_1$ . $T_2$ = $V_2$ . $T_1$

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