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In this question Pressure and volume are given and we are asked to find out that what would be the new volume when pressure is changed from one value to another.

The pressure and volumes come in connected pairs and you must put them in the proper place. We will use the Boyle' law equation;

Using equation;

$P_1$ $V_1$ = $P_2$ $V_2$

$P_1$ = 8 atm , $V_1$ = 40 L

$P_2$ = 12 atm , $V_2$ = ?

plug in the values;

8 atm x 40 L = 12 atm x $V_2$

multiply and divide:

320 L atm = 12 atm x $V_2$

$V_2$ = 320 L atm / 12 atm

$ V_2$ = 26.7 L

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