
Dalton's law of partial pressures states that in a gaseous mixture, the exerted by a component gas is the SAME as if that gas had occupied the container ALONE.

Thus we can calculate the partial pressures of each component by means of separate Ideal Gas Equations $P=(nRT)/V$:

$P_(He)$ $=$ $(32.6*g)/(4.00*g*mol^-1)xx0.0821*L*atm*K^-1*mol^-1xx292*Kxx1/(10.0*L)$

$=$ $19.5*atm$

$P_("dioxygen")$ $=$ $(51.2*g)/(32.00*g*mol^-1)xx0.0821*L*atm*K^-1*mol^-1xx292*Kxx1/(10.0*L)$

$=$ $3.84*atm$

$P_"Total"$ $=$ $P_(He) + P_("dioxygen")$ $=$


Interestingly, the reason why divers use helium in these circumstances, is that the alternative, dinitrogen, is highly intoxicating at high pressures, and at depth may cause nitrogen narcosis.

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