
So, we need first to calculate the mass of the helium in the balloon.

We are told that there are $1.2*L$ of $He$, and also that the ($rho$) of $He$ $=$ $0.1785*g*L^-1$.

But $rho$ $=$ $"Mass"/"Volume"$. Thus $"Mass of gas"= " Volume"xxrho$ $=$ $0.1785*g*cancel(L^-1)xx1.2*cancelL$ $=$ $0.2142*g$. Note here that the units I used cancelled out to give an answer in grams as required.

Given this mass, the mass of the balloon is this mass + tare value $=$ $0.2142*g+ 0.026*g$. Capisce? If I let it go, will it float or sink in the air; why?

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