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Since the chemical equation,


requires a specific number of moles of the reactant, then a specific number of moles of the products are created.

With this knowledge, you can create a mole ratio.

The general format of a mole ratio is as follows:

$color(blue)(|bar(ul(color(white)(a/a)color(black)(("required based on balanced equation")/("product based on balanced equation")=("required")/("product"))color(white)(a/a)|)))$

In your case, you're looking for the moles of $H_2O$ required to make $2.5$ moles of $O_2$.

Thus, your mole ratio would be:


$color(darkorange)(rArr)$where $x$ represents the moles of $H_2O$ required

From this point on, your goal is to solve for $x$ to find the moles of $H_2O$ required to produce $2.5$ moles of $O_2$.



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