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We solve for $n$ and $n="Mass"/"Molar mass"$ $=$ $(PV)/(RT)$

And, $"Molar mass"$ $=$ $(RTxx"mass")/(PV)$

$=$ $(RT)/Pxx"mass"/V$

$=$ $(rhoRT)/P$ because $"mass"/V=rho="density"$

And thus,

$"Molar mass"$ $=$ $(rhoRT)/P$


Well, this gives me an answer in $g*mol^-1$, so I might be doing something right.

I get (finally!), $"Molar mass"$ $=$ $42.2*g*mol^-1$

Now the molecular formula is always a mulitiple of the empirical formula, of course, the multiple might be $1$.

$("Empirical formula")xxn="Molecular formula"$

And $nxx(2xx1.00794 +12.01)*g*mol^-1=42.2*g*mol^-1$.

Clearly, $n=3$, and molecular formula $=$ $C_3H_6$. We have $"propylene"$ or $"cyclopropene"$.

This is a first year problem, I take it. I ask because it gives me an idea as to how to bowl.

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