
We use the Ideal Gas equation to access the moles of carbon dioxide evolved:

$n=(PV)/(RT)$ $=$ $((750*mm*Hg)/(760*mm*Hg*atm^-1)xx75.0xx10^-3*L)/(0.0821*L*atm*K^-1*mol^-1xx293*K)$


$"Mass of carbon dioxide produced"=3.1xx10^-3molxx44.0*g*mol^-1=??g$

The key to doing this problem was (i) knowing that $760*mm*Hg-=1*atm$; and (ii) using the right gas constant, $R$. I have always liked $R=0.0821*L*atm*K^-1*mol^-1$ because it uses units that chemists would habitually use. The other gas constants tend to use whack, non-intuitive units.

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