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$"Metallic bonding"$ results from the close packing of metal atoms, such that the atoms contribute a few of their to the overall lattice. These are delocalized, and not associated with any particular atom.

is thus often described as $"positive ions in a sea of electrons"$, in which the metal nuclei can move with respect to each other, without disrupting the metallic bond.

And since $"metallic bonding"$ is thus non-molecular, the individual metal atoms can move with respect to each other without disrupting the metallic bond. As a consequence metals are (i) $"malleable"$, capable of being hammered out into a sheet, and (ii) $"ductile"$, capable of being drawn into a wire. These properties make metals the premier material for making tools.

The delocalization of electrons in metallic bonds, also confers electrical conductivity to most metals.