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$color(white)(XX)$mass(amu)$color(white)(X)$Isotopic abundance



$"average atomic mass"=("mass*%"+"mass*%"+"mass*%"...)$

Let x be % abundance of Br-79

Let 1-x be % abundance of Br-81

Br is 79. 904g/mol on $color(orange)"(average atomic mass)"$









Use our x to find that % abundance of Br-79



$=50.8$ $"%$ $abundance"$

Use our x to find that % abundance of Br-79



$=49.2$ $"%$ $abundance"$

$:.$ The % abundance of the isotope with a mass of 78.92 amu has a % abundance of 50.8% and the isotope with a mass 80.92 amu has a % abundance of 49.2%

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