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And given the quotient, if I have $"density"$ and $"mass"$, I can work out the $"volume"$ fairly easily:


Note that this is dimensionally consistent. We wanted an answer with units of volume, i.e. $mL-=cm^3$; we got an answer with units of $1/(cm^-3)=1/(1/(cm^3))=cm^3$, i.e. units of volume as required.......

Note that in terms of units...$1*cm^3-=(1xx10^-2*m)^3=1xx10^-6*m^3$...that is $"one millionth of a cubic metre"$, just as $1*L-=1*dm^3-=(1xx10^-1*m)^3$, that is $"one thousandth of a cubic metre"$. Capisce?

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