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Vascular budles bearing plants such as Pteridopyjta, Gymnosperm and Angiosperm are vascualr plants. In the vascular plants water and food materials are tranferred from the vascular bundles to all parts of the plants.
Members of Pteridophtes reproduce by the spores. Seeds are absent. So, they are called vascular cryptogams or seedless vascular plants e.g. Selaginells, Lycopodiusm, etc.
The seeded vascular plants reproduce by seeds. The examples of the seeded vasculasr plants are members of Gymnosperm and Angiosperm. In Gymnosperm the seeds are produced direcly on the vegetative parts of plants. It is due to lack of ovary in the Gymnosperm e.g. Cycas, Pinus, etc. In the case of Angiosperpm, seeds are enclosed within the ovary e.g., Mango, Wheat, etc. Both Gymnosperm and Angiospem are seed bearing vascular plants.

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