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A (adenine), C (cytosine), G (guanine)and T (thymine) are the constituent of deoxy-ribonucleotides. These are arranged in specific sequence in DNA molecule that determines the specific structure of DNA molecule.

Three nucleotides together constitute a triplet. One or more triplets constitute codon. There is a specific codon for each of the 20 amino acids that are constituent of proteins. The sequence of codons in DNA molecule is termed genetic code.

The synthesis of proteins occurs in ribosomes that are located in cytoplasm. The sequence of codons in DNA molecule determines the specific sequence of amino acids in protein molecule.

DNA does not move out of nucleus. It synthesizes mRNA molecule with codon sequence complimentary to those of DNA molecule. This process is termed transcription.

mRNA reaches the ribosome and various amino acids in cytoplasm are brought to the ribosome as per the sequence of mRNA codons with the help o tRNA. This process is termed translation.

Thus, it is clear that A,C,G,T are not proteins but the specific sequence of the deoxy-ribonucleotides in DNA molecule are responsible for the specificity of protein molecule.