
The acceleration you would experience is:


Where $M=10^11kg$ is the mass of the black hole, $G=6.674m^2kg^(-1)s^(-2)$ is the gravitational constant and $r$ is the distance from the black hole.

The acceleration due to gravity on Earth is $a=9.81ms^(-2)$.

So, to experience 1g of acceleration, thee distance is:


This gives $r=0.82m$.

Being so close to a black hole puts you in the region where tidal effects can occur. At $r=0.6m$, $a=18.5ms^(-2)$. At $r=0.4m$, $a=41.7ms^(-2)$.

Incidentally, the Schwarzschild radius for a black hole is given by:


Where $c$ is the speed of light. A black hole with a mass of $10^11kg$ has a radius of $7.4*10^(-17)m$, which is slightly smaller than $10^-16m$.

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