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A line is an 1-D space. Plane is a 2-D space and is a 3-D

space. Two lines (in same or different directions ) determine a plane

Earth's axis is a $straight$ line parallel to the ( the little away ) polar

axis. So, relatively, both are coplanar..

Over a period of Great Year (nearly 25800 years), the polar axis

moves ( relative to the Earth ) along the surface of a cone of semi-

vertical angle $23.4^o$, keeping its direction relative to the normal

to the ecliptic as the same $23.4^o$. This is called precession

motion. The average variation ($+-0.00006^o$/year, in the range

from $22.04^o$ through $23.44^o$ to $24.50^o$, over a period of

about 41 K years ) of this angle, about the mean 23.27^o. is nearly 0,

Of course, poles move but its precession and nutation ( nodding

across ) are incognizant.

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