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At the singularity, the boundary of a black hole the laws of physics change to the laws of quantum mechanics. Time stops within a black hole, and space as we know it ceases to exist.

Matter becomes super dense. The structure of atoms with protons and neutrons in the nuclei surrounded by shells of electrons collapses. The volume of the atom becomes essential nothing. The very substance of the planets and the stars also collapses. The planets and stars become part of the mass energy system of the black hole.

Before 1998 it was thought that the black holes would continue to gain in size until the entire universe was one black hole This superdense concentration of matter and energy would then exploded in a big bang reforming a new universe.

The present observations indicate that the not only is the universe expansion is not slowly down it is speeding up. The black holes instead of growing closer together are speeding further apart. The present universe will not recycle from black holes "swallowing "planets and stars.

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