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This comparison is a bit more complicated than we might think, as the two nuclear forces act very differently from the more familiar electromagnetic and gravitational forces. While the latter two decrease as $r^2$ with increasing distance, the strong nuclear force actually increases in strength with distance, while the strength of the weak force is rather difficult to pin down at all, as it practically vanishes at distances even as large as a proton. (This rapid decay in strength is due to the high mass of the W particle.)

Also, gravity and electromagnetism extend essentially to infinite distances, while the nuclear forces (and especially the weak force) are confined to distances similar to or less than that of the nucleus.

The result is, that if you are talking very short distances, the above list - strong force, electromagnetism, weak force, gravity should be altered to become

Strong force, weak force, electromagnetism, gravity.

Here are two sites you should check out. The first just gives a numerical sense of the relative strengths, while the second is a very in-depth discussion of the issue!

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