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What To Do if Someone Objects During Your Wedding Ceremony

As your wedding day approaches, it’s normal to hope and anticipate the chance to share your commitment to each other in front of family and friends. However, it’s possible that someone may attempt to ruin the moment by challenging your marriage. If an objection is raised during your ceremony, here’s what you need to do.

Step 1: Calmly Hear out the Objection

Once the objection has been voiced, the officiant at your ceremony should pause and give the person making the objection a chance to continue. It’s important to stay composed and respectful during this time, because no matter how unfair the situation seems, reacting in an extreme emotional manner will only make the disruption worse.

Step 2: Allow an Opportunity for Dialogue

If the objector has additional information to present, give them the opportunity to explain their reasoning. Depending on the issue, it may be wise to talk with the objector privately, away from the ceremony. This may help to resolve any misunderstanding or other issues without involving the rest of the guests.

Step 3: Move Forward as Best as You Can

If dialogue does not resolve the issue, allow the ceremony to continue as any further shouting or objections will only detract from your wedding ceremony. Once the disruption has settled and the ceremony has been completed, you and your partner may decide to look further into the issue should you choose.

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