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How to Watch a Movie Your Parents Don't Want You to See

Sometimes, there are movies your parents don’t want you to watch. Whether you respect their wishes or decide to go against their request, following these steps can help you watch the movie while keeping the peace.


  1. Find an alternative source. If the movie is not playing in theaters, consider renting it with a friend’s family, or using a subscription service like Netflix, Amazon Video, or iTunes.
  2. Determine the level of risk. Talk to your trusted friends or family to see if they have a different opinion on why your parents don't want you to watch the movie. Decide for yourself if it’s worth the risk of getting caught.
  3. Think of an excuse. Come up with an excuse for why you need to watch a movie your parents don’t want you to watch, like for a class, or for analytical purposes. Be prepared to explain your reasoning.
  4. Watch the movie in the right setting. Watching the movie in a friend's house or a movie theater is safer than watching it at home. If you choose to watch it at home, make sure you choose a time when your parents are not around.
  5. Keep any evidence hidden. Don’t have any evidence, such as DVDs or movie stubs, lying around the house. When returning Checked-out movie rentals, make sure to not leave any identifying information behind.
  6. Respect your parents’ wishes. Even if you decide to watch a movie against your parents’ requests, remember that parents are looking out for their children’s best interests. Regardless of the outcome, try to show respect for your parents.
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