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How to Type Extremely Fast on a Keyboard

Want to be a speed typing champion? With a few tricks and exercises, you'll be smashing those keyboards like a professional in no time! Here are some tips to get you started:

Prepare Yourself

  • Familiarize yourself with where each key is located; the more familiar you are with the keyboard, the faster you'll be able to type.
  • Take regular breaks while typing to give your hands and wrists some rest and come back to the keyboard with fresh energy.
  • Ensure you're in a comfortable environment; too much noise, heat, or cold can throw off your typing and concentration.
  • Pay attention to your posture; make sure your arms, wrists, hands, and fingers are in relaxed positions while typing.

Practice Makes Perfect

  • Try to include a combination of letters and punctuation in your practice phrases to expand your overall typing speed.
  • Explore your keyboard beyond the basic alphabet. Get to know the keys for symbols, numbers, and shortcuts to make typing more efficient.
  • Play typing games or do typing exercises for special characters to build up your speed.
  • Start with shorter phrases and practice regularly until you have them memorized.

Use the Right Resources and Devices

  • Invest in an ergonomic keyboard with an adjustable height or an angle to give your hands maximum comfort while typing.
  • Replace the mechanical keys with abs and membrane keys for a more comfortable, less clicky feel.
  • Look into conditioning programs and applications that encourage better typing habits while helping you become more efficient.
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