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Storing an Open Bottle of Red Wine

Red wine should be stored properly to prevent deterioration and maintain the flavor.

Steps for Storing an Open Bottle of Red Wine

  1. Store your open bottle of red wine in a cool, dark place.
  2. Store the bottle on its side to keep the cork moist, which helps to prevent oxygen from getting into the wine.
  3. Place the bottle in the refrigerator to slow the oxidation process.
  4. Remove the bottle from the refrigerator an hour before you plan to drink it, allowing it to warm up to optimize the flavor.
  5. Pour the bottle into a decanter or carafe to further remove it from oxygen exposure and to remove sediment from the wine.
  6. If you cannot drink the bottle in one sitting, pour the remaining wine into a smaller bottle and cork it. Store it in the refrigerator.
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