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Organizing Your Hair Accessories

Are your hair accessories constantly disorganized? It's time to get your styling items back in order with these simple steps!

Steps for Storing Your Hair Accessories

  • Gather all of your hair accessories into one location.
  • Sort your items into categories. Good categories may include pins, headbands, elastics, clips, etc.
  • Choose a storage container that will safely store all of your items. Bins, boxes, drawers, buckets, baskets, or dividers are all great choices.
  • If your container of choice is a deep bin, place dividers in the container to ensure easy access and retrieval of each item.
  • Label the dividers or baskets so that you can quickly find the items needed for styling.

Tips for Maintaining Organization

  • Keep a designated spot for all articles of clothing, cutting down on the amount of clutter.
  • Avoid overcrowding the container by sorting through the items regularly and tossing any items that are no longer needed.
  • Create a plan for returning the items to the storage container once you have finished styling. This helps maintain your level of organization.
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