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Prevent Your Eyelashes from Poking Your Eye

Long eyelashes can be a beautiful feature, but they can also be annoying when they poke or tickle your eye. To minimize the irritation, use the following methods:

  • Trim your lashes. Use small scissors to trim hairs to a uniform length. However, do not trim the lashes too short, as they will not be able to provide sufficient protection.
  • Coat the bottom half of your lashes with petroleum jelly. This will coat the tips of the lashes, creating a soft, smooth edge that will not irritate your eye.
  • Try hypoallergenic mascara. Mascaras with irritants or allergens can cause itching and redness, which can lead to eyelashes rubbing against your eyes.
  • Apply a moisturizer. Keeping your skin hydrated will reduce irritation caused by the bristles on the lashes.
  • Gently brush your lashes. Comb your lashes, starting from the base and combing upwards, to keep them from clumping together and irritating the eye.
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