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What is the Meaning & Significance of Dreaming About an Ex?

Dreaming about an ex can be disconcerting, but before you start to over analyze the dream it is helpful to understand the various possible meanings. Dreams about ex-lovers can evoke an intense and confusing array of emotions. While the dream may re-opens old wounds, it can also be a sign of something much deeper – uncovering deeper truths about yourself in order to move forward.

Why Do I Keep Dreaming About My Ex?

There could be various reasons behind dreaming about an ex-lover and it often happens when we are working through our innermost feelings or unresolved issues. Dreams are believed to be the window to our subconscious and offer guidance or comfort. Here are some of the possible reasons why you keep dreaming about your ex:
  • You haven’t fully moved on from the relationship.
  • A message from the Universe- to take another look at the relationship.
  • The ex-lover may represent something else from your life.
  • Memories linked with that relationship.
  • The dream may be a reflection of your own attitudes and feelings.
  • Fear of starting a new relationship.

Finding Clarity About Dreams of an Ex-Lover

In order to understand the significance of dreaming about an ex-lover, it is essential to take a step back and reflect on the dream, and what it is trying to tell you. Dreams of any kind can provide insight, advice and comfort. They can offer a new perspective or a shift in thinking so that you can make important decisions. It is helpful to ask yourself: What is my current situation? How does this dream reflect how I feel in my current relationship or other areas of my life? What do the dream images represent symbolically? Overall, it’s important to remind yourself that this dream is not necessarily literal. Dreams of an ex-lover may be describing the past for a reason, such as finding closure, releasing emotions or even trying to find a way to move forward in our lives. Connecting with the dream imagery can provide you with insight that will help you to make decisions in your real life.
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