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Using the Share Focus Status Feature on iPhone or iPad

The Share Focus Status feature on iPhone and iPad makes it easy for you to let your contacts know when you’re busy or when you’re available for a chat. Here’s a step-by-step guide to using this helpful tool:

  1. Start by tapping the Messages app icon on your Home screen.
  2. Go to your contact list, and select the contact you’d like to share your focus status with.
  3. At the bottom section of the screen, you’ll see the Share Focus settings icon, which looks like a square with dots inside. Tap this icon.
  4. In the Status tab, you’ll see three options: Busy, Available, or Sharing. Select the one that reflects your current status.
  5. You can also use the Time Options button to select how long you want to be in the focus status, from one hour up to 3 days.
  6. Once you’ve selected your focus status and the time you’d like it to last, hit the ‘Send’ button to share your status with your contacts.

Now that you’ve enabled your focus status, those you’ve shared it with will see it appear over your contact name. When the time you selected for the status expires, the status will automatically disappear.

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