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Set Spotify As Your Default Music Player

Do you want to make Spotify your go-to music player? Worry no more, as you can easily do this in few easy steps:

  • Open up Spotify on your device.
  • In the upper-right corner, click the three horizontal line icon.
  • Select Settings.
  • Navigate to Playback.
  • Go to Default Music Player.
  • Choose Spotify.
  • Done! Spotify will now be your default player.
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How to Set Spotify as Your Default Music Player

Are you an avid listener of music? Do you want to switch up your ususal music player by making Spotify your primary digital music streaming player? Making Spotify your default music player is a breeze and only requires a few quick steps.

  • Open the Spotify app on your computer or device
  • Navigate to the Settings page. On computers, you can find Settings located in the dropdown menu at the top-right corner of the screen. On mobile devices, access Settings through the menu bar on the lower part of the screen.
  • Under the Settings menu, locate and click Music Quality, then select High Quality Streaming. By setting your streaming to high quality, your Spotify tunes will have better sound quality.
  • Find the Default Music Player section and click the radio button. You will see several options (namely iPhone, iTunes, etc.) – choose Spotify for your new default player.
  • Close and reopen your app to fully activate the change.

That’s it! You can now enjoy your preferred music with fantastic sound quality by making Spotify your default music player.

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How to Set Spotify As Your Default Music Player

The ability to use Spotify as your default music player can be a god-send to most music enthusiasts. With the ability to stream music and search for your favorite artists, it can be an incredible tool when you want to get your music fix. Here are the steps that you can take to set Spotify as your default music player.

  1. Open Your Device’s Settings Menu. On desktop computers running macOS, Windows 10 Mobile, and iOS 13 and higher, accessing the settings menu will be a piece of cake.
  2. Navigate to the Audio Settings Menu. Within the settings menu, locate and click on the audio section.
  3. Click on Default App. Under the settings menu, you'll be told to elaborate on your default app. Select Spotify from the drop-down menu.
  4. Confirm the Change. After clicking the Change button your new audio settings should be saved.

With these easy steps, you’ll be able to use your favorite music streaming service as your default music player. Enjoy all of your favorite songs with ease.

Talk Doctor Online in Bissoy App

How to Set Spotify As Your Default Music Player

Want to make Spotify your go-to music player? There’s a few easy steps you need to follow to set up Spotify as your default music player. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Open the Spotify app on your device.
  • Tap the hamburger menu (3 lines in the top left).
  • Click the ‘Settings’ option.
  • Click the ‘Playback’ tab at the top.
  • Under the ‘Music Quality’ section, enable the ‘High-quality streaming’ option.
  • Scroll down to the ‘Default Music Player’ section, and toggle the slider to the right.
  • You will see a pop-up asking you to confirm the changes to your settings. Tap ‘Yes’.
  • Spotify will now be your default music player.
  • Talk Doctor Online in Bissoy App