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How to Run Away from Home and Live in the Woods

If you have ever thought about running away from home and living in the woods, there are several steps you should take to ensure a successful transition to life as a wilderness survivor. With proper planning and preparation, you can learn to build shelter and make your own food in the woods.


  1. Take time to plan your escape. Research survival tactics and the area in which you’ll be living. Pack basic supplies like food, water, clothes, a knife, and a first-aid kit.
  2. Find shelter away from high-traffic areas and dangerous environments, like wildlife areas or other dangerous terrain.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the area before you leave and stay far away from heavily populated areas.
  4. Refrain from using cash as much as possible due to the risk of robbery.
  5. Find food sources that are safe to eat. Learn how to hunt, fish, and forage for edible plants. Carry water bottles to collect clean drinking water on your journey.
  6. Build a shelter that protects you from the elements and predators. Secure simple tools like shovels, hatchets, and saws to build your shelter.
  7. Stay safe by avoiding dangerous situations like drug use and human trafficking.
  8. If you are under 18, consider talking to a trusted adult in your life about your plans.

By doing extensive research and preparation, you can have all the necessary information and skills to live in the woods. With proper planning and preparation, you will be able to survive in the woods and lead a good life away from home.

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