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How to Respond to Being Called a Good Girl

Being told you're a good girl can be an empowering and affirming statement. However, how you choose to respond to it is up to you. Here are some ways to acknowledge and feel empowered when someone calls you a good girl.

  • Express gratitude. Show appreciation for the other person's kind words of affirmation by saying something like, "Thank you for recognizing my efforts."
  • Return the compliment. If you want to make someone else feel good, reward their statement by saying something like, "You're a great person for noticing."
  • Acknowledge and accept. Own your good-girl title with a statement like, "I'm happy that you think I'm on the right track."
  • Encourage dialogue. Conversation starters like, "What do you mean by that?" can lead to productive conversations about what it means to be a good girl.
  • Be positive. Shine a light on the situation with a statement like, "It's always good to feel appreciated, isn't it?" That can steer the conversation in a more uplifting direction.
  • Stay humble. Avoid appearing braggadocious by responding with something like, "It's nice of you to think so."
  • Be confident. You know your worth, so go ahead and say something like, “I’m grateful that you recognize my hard work.”
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