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What is Reciprosexuality?

Reciprosexuality is a form of sexual orientation focused on the exchange of physical and emotional pleasure between individuals. Reciprosexuals strive to meet their partner’s needs as equally as their own. This kind of mutual relationship requires both parties to practice communication and respect.


How is Reciprosexuality different from traditional monogamous relationships?

Reciprosexuality puts a strong emphasis on mutual satisfaction, as opposed to just one individual. Both members of the relationship strive to equally contribute to the emotional and physical wellbeing of the other. Traditional monogamous relationships may lack the same level of reciprocation and equal sharing.

Why is communication and respect important for Reciprosexual relationships?

It’s important for both parties in the relationship to communicate their feelings and needs openly and honestly with one another. Respect is also essential for reciprosexual relationships. Both members must be sensitive to one another’s needs in order to maintain a healthy balance of give and take.

Are there any tips for those interested in reciprocating relationships?

  • Prioritize communication and open dialogue.
  • Respect that both of you have different needs and desires.
  • Listen to one another and develop a shared understanding of the relationship.
  • Be transparent about what you want out of the relationship.
  • Make sure that both of you are getting your needs met.
  • Discuss boundaries and remain mindful of them.
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What is Reciprosexuality?

Reciprosexuality is a sexual identity or orientation that is based on mutually and explicitly expressed interest in each other between two people. It is founded upon the idea that sex, relationships, and intimacy should be voluntary, without the need for either person to convince or pressure the other into anything. This differs from the traditional view of a heterosexual relationship, where one partner is expected to take the lead and maintain control over the relationship.

FAQs About Reciprosexuality

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about reciprosexuality:

  • What does reciprosexual mean?
  • Reciprosexuality is a sexual identity or orientation that is based on mutual and explicitly expressed interest in each other between two people. It is founded upon the idea that sex, relationships, and intimacy should be voluntary, without the need for either person to convince or pressure the other into anything.

  • What is a reciprosexual relationship?
  • A reciprosexual relationship is a relationship based on mutual, voluntary interest and attraction rather than one person taking the lead or having control. When two people have explicitly expressed interest in one another, and freely given their consent without the need for persuasion or manipulation, then they are in a reciprosexual relationship.

  • Are there any benefits to being reciprosexual?
  • Reciprosexuality has many benefits, both intimate and psychological. It promotes healthy interactions between two people, without pressure on either side to act in a certain way. A reciprosexual relationship based on mutual respect and consent can lead to stronger communication, as well as a deeper, more meaningful connection between two people.


Reciprosexuality is a unique sexual identity and relationship style that promotes voluntary, mutual interest and attraction between two people. If two individuals have explicitly stated their interest in each other, and the relationship is based on respect and consent, then they have entered into a reciprosexual relationship. This relationship style has many benefits, both intimate and psychological, as well as potential to create a deeper connection between the two individuals involved.

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What is Reciprosexuality?

Reciprosexuality is a term for a sexuality in which a person is attracted to people who are attracted to them. More specifically, an individual who identifies as reciprosexual is sexually interested in someone who is also interested in them; this creates a mutual attraction between two people.

Frequently Asked Questions About Reciprosexuality

1. Does this mean it’s only ‘right’ if both people are feeling the same way?

No, it doesn’t. It just means that a person who identifies as reciprosexual is more likely to pursue relationships with people who express romantic or sexual interest in them first.

2. How can someone know if they are reciprosexual?

The best way to know is to think about your past experiences. Do you find yourself having romantic or sexual feelings when someone expresses those feelings for you? If so, you may be reciprosexual.

3. Is it wrong to be reciprosexual?

Absolutely not. Everyone has a right to their sexuality, and there is no wrong or right option. Being reciprosexual does not mean that a person is any less valid or worthy of a relationship.

4. Is there a way to tell if someone is reciprosexual?

It’s impossible to know for certain, but a good indicator would be if they have expressed a preference for relationships in which a mutual attraction exists. As mentioned above, this means they are likely to pursue relationships with people who express interest in them first.

Common Misconceptions about Reciprosexuality

  • Reciprosexuality is something to be ashamed of.
  • Reciprosexuality limits a person’s options for potential partners.
  • Reciprosexuality means a person can’t make the first move in a relationship.
  • Reciprosexuality is the same as being a gold digger.

All of these statements are untrue. Reciprosexuality is a valid and acceptable sexuality that should never be looked down upon.

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What is Reciprosexuality?

Reciprosexuality is the practice of pursuing a romantic or sexual relationship in a mutually beneficial manner. It is based on the idea of ‘mutual attraction’, wherein a person is attracted to someone else not only because of their physical attributes or charm, but also because of the personal connection and affinity they have for that person.

Frequently Asked Questions about Reciprosexuality

  • What is the difference between reciprosexuality and casual dating?
  • Reciprosexuality is a deeper and more meaningful form of connection than casual dating. With reciprosexuality, the focus shifts from simply enjoying each other's company in a physical sense (as with casual dating), to building a shared understanding. There is a lot of mutual understanding and affection involved (beyond simply physical attraction) that is cultivated through the reciprosexual relationship.

  • How does it work?
  • Reciprosexuality works best when both partners have a mutual interest in connecting and building a relationship. When you both have a fundamental understanding of what the other person needs and desires, as well as their own needs and desires, the relationship can be cultivated in a harmonious manner. Both parties should strive to practice empathy and consideration for each other, and find ways to fulfill each other’s needs and wants.

  • What are some tips for pursuing a reciprosexual relationship?
  • Be mindful of your partner's needs. Listen to them, pay attention to their body language, and think about how your behavior is impacting them. Respect their boundaries and opinions. Express your feelings honestly and openly. Make sure you are both comfortable with the level of commitment in the relationship. Take the time to get to know each other and build a strong bond of trust. Finally, enjoy the process and have fun!

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