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How to Read an Ex's Body Language

Body language is a powerful tool when it comes to deciphering your ex’s emotions. Understanding your ex’s nonverbal cues is an important factor when it comes to managing your relationship with them. Here are a few ways that you can read your ex’s body language:

  • Pay attention to their stance: If your ex is leaning away from you, it is a sign that they are feeling distant and uncomfortable. On the other hand, if they lean towards you, it’s a sign of openness.
  • Watch their facial expressions: Subtle nuances like the subtle raising of the eyebrows or a slight smile can tell you a lot about how your ex is feeling in the moment.
  • Observe their hand gestures: Pay attention to how they hold their hands- are their fingers clenched, are their fists tight? The tighter the gestures, the more anxious your ex is feeling.
  • Notice the amount of eye contact: Too much eye contact from your ex can indicate that they are interested in maintaining the relationship. On the other hand, avoiding eye contact can mean that your ex is feeling nervous or uncomfortable.
  • Listen to their tone of voice: If your ex’s voice is higher in pitch or faster when they’re speaking to you, it can indicate that they’re feeling anxious. Pay attention to the tone of their voice to get a better understanding of their feelings.

By being aware of your ex’s body language, you have a better chance of understanding their emotional state and maintaining a healthy relationship with them. As always, it is important to take everything with a grain of salt, since everyone expresses their emotions differently.

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