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Getting Started with Fortran Programming

Fortran is a powerful, highlevel programming language commonly used for numerical analysis. Writing in Fortran lets you quickly analyze and manipulate numerical data and create sophisticated scripts to help automate common tasks. To get started with Fortran programming, you'll need a compiler and an editor of your choice.

Writing a Program in Fortran

  1. Open up your Fortran compiler and editor.
  2. Write your program in the editor. Be sure to include any output and input values, conditions, data types, and other elements that you need.
  3. Compile your code in the compiler. This will convert the Fortran source code into an executable file.
  4. Run the program in the compiler. Check the results to make sure the program works as expected.

Syntax Rules When Writing Fortran

Fortran is a free-form language, which means there are no rigid syntax rules. However, you should still follow some basic conventions to ensure your code is readable and consistent. Here are some syntax rules to keep in mind when writing Fortran code:

  • Use meaningful variable names that correctly reflect the value they hold.
  • Comments should be used whenever possible to explain your code.
  • All Fortran programs must contain a main program.
  • Statements must be terminated with a ';' character.
  • All Fortran statements must start in a new line.
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