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How to Print Emails, Attachments, & Calendars in Outlook

Outlook is a popular program used to manage calendars, emails, contacts, tasks, and more. To make the most out of Outlook, it’s important to understand how to print emails, attachments, and calendars. This guide will walk you through the steps to printing your Outlook items in just a few easy steps.

Printing Emails

The simplest way to print an email from Outlook is to use the ‘Print’ button that is available directly from the main window. Doing so will bring up the standard printer selection window and allow you to print the email immediately.

  • Open the email you would like to print.
  • Click the ‘Print’ button located in the toolbar.
  • Select your printer from the selection window and click ‘OK’.
  • Your email will now be printed.

Printing Attachments

Printing attachments requires a slightly different approach than printing emails. Before you can print an attachment, you must first open it and save it to your computer. You can then use the standard ‘Print’ feature to print the document.

  • Open the email that contains the attachment you would like to print.
  • Right-click on the attachment and select ‘Save As’.
  • Save the attachment to your computer, then open it from its saved location.
  • Click the ‘Print’ button located in the toolbar.
  • Select your printer from the selection window and click ‘OK’.
  • Your attachment will now be printed.

Printing Calendars

Printing a calendar from Outlook is a bit more involved than printing emails or attachments. To do so, you will first need to open the Outlook Calendar and select the date range you want to print. You can then use the ‘Print’ button to bring up a new window that will allow you to specify your printing preferences.

  • Open the Outlook Calendar.
  • Select the date range from the left side of the Calendar window that you would like to print.
  • Click the ‘Print’ button located in the toolbar.
  • Select your printer and customize your printing preferences.
  • Click ‘Print’, and your calendar will now be printed.
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