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Measuring the Opening for a Dishwasher for the Perfect Fit

When planning for the installation of a dishwasher, it is essential to measure the opening accurately to ensure a perfect fit. It is better to take precise measurements before ordering the dishwasher than face disappointment in the end.

Follow the steps below for measure the opening accurately for your dishwasher:

  • Check the dimensions of the dishwasher before you purchase it. This will give you an idea of the space you need for installation. You will also need to consider the height, width, and depth of the space.
  • Using a tape measure, measure the width of the space. Place the beginning of the tape measure at one edge of the opening and measure to the opposite end. Do this at least three times to be sure of your measurements.
  • While measuring the width, make sure to account for space that would be taken up by the dishwasher doors when closed.
  • Measuring the height of the space is next. Place the beginning of the tape measure at the top edge of the opening and measure down to the bottom. Do this at least three times too.
  • Make sure to account for the space taken up by the doors and the motor, as these will affect the total height of the space required for the dishwasher.
  • Prior to ordering the dishwasher, confirm the depth of the space, as this will also dictate what dimensions the dishwasher needs to fit into.
  • Be sure to consider the extra space that might be needed around the sides and back of the dishwasher, as the manufacturer usually recommends at least 4 inches of gap to ensure proper air circulation.
  • Finally, compare all of the measurements you took with the corresponding ones on the dishwasher specifications to ensure that the measurement of the space are similar to the measurements of the dishwasher.

Taking these steps before installation is essential to prevent future disagreements with the dishwasher supplier.

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