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Tips to Make Your Boyfriend Go Crazy Over You

If you're looking to make your boyfriend go wild over you, then it's time to take action! Here are some great tips to get your boyfriend to go crazy over you.

  • Show gratitude for the small things: Showing appreciation and gratitude for something your boyfriend does, no matter how small, will make him feel valued and appreciated.
  • Be enthusiastic: Be enthusiastic about everything that you do. Show your enthusiasm for life, and he will be drawn to it.
  • Tell him compliments: Let him know how great he is. Tell him compliments, whether it’s about his looks, his brains, or his personality.
  • Be adventurous: Show your boyfriend you’re up for anything. Take him on an unexpected trip, try a new restaurant, or go for a walk together.
  • Let him take the lead: Give him the chance to take charge. Let him lead, and it will make him feel important and valued.

Following these tips will help make your boyfriend go crazy over you! It may take time, but with a bit of patience and enthusiasm your boyfriend will be head-over-heels for you.

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How to Make Your Boyfriend Go Crazy over You

Making your boyfriend go absolutely crazy for you might sound like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. There are certain tried-and-true techniques that you can use to make him feel special and thankful to have you in his life.

Steps to Make Your Boyfriend Go Crazy Over You

  • Compliment him – Tell your boyfriend how much you appreciate him and express your admiration for the things that make him unique. Complimenting him regularly will make him feel good about himself and remind him of just how much you love him.
  • Be thoughtful – Show him that you're not just thinking of yourself, but of him, too. Do special things for him, like make him coffee in the morning, surprise him with a special note, or give him a back massage after a long day. These thoughtful gestures will make him feel special and wanted.
  • Make him feel manly – Let your boyfriend know that you believe in him and admire his masculinity. Boast to your friends about his accomplishments, be supportive of his interests, and encourage him to keep striving for success. All these acts will make him feel strong and proud.
  • Pay attention to him – Let your boyfriend know that he's the most important person in your life by listening intently when he speaks and focusing on him during conversations and the activities you do together. Make sure he knows that he has your full attention.
  • Make him laugh – Bring joy to your relationship by lightening it up. Crack jokes and tease him playfully, or relive good memories all together. When your boyfriend is happy, he'll associate being with you with feeling good.
  • Be affectionate – Show your boyfriend lots of physical affection to let him know how much you care. Give him hugs, hold hands in public, and let him feel your love through physical touch. Showing your love through touch is a powerful way to make him feel appreciated.

Tips to Keep Your Boyfriend Crazy Over You

  • Leave upbeat notes for him in his favorite spots – Whether it’s shorts messages on post-it notes or longer letters in his drawer, it’s always nice to let your boyfriend know how much you care for him.
  • Make things special – Make everyday moments important by focus on the little things. Cooking his favorite dinner or bringing him breakfast in bed will show him that you appreciate and make an effort for him.
  • Enjoy each other’s hobbies – Show interest in the things he enjoys, like playing sports or playing video games. Even if it’s something you’re not particularly into, he'll appreciate the effort.
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