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Interacting with People Who Have Cluster B Personality Disorders

Living and interacting with someone who has a Cluster B personality disorder can be difficult. It is important to maintain mindful communication and be aware of how the person may react to certain interactions. Seek professional help whenever possible.

Tips for Interacting with People Who Have Cluster B Personality Disorders

  • Don’t take their words and actions personally; individuals with Cluster B personality disorders may have difficulty controlling their emotions.
  • Maintain clear and respectful communication; stay calm and respectful, even if their emotions become heightened.
  • Be mindful of how the individual may interpret certain body language and facial expressions.
  • Suggest to the individual to seek professional help and support.
  • Let the individual know that there is help available and offer to accompany them if they wish to seek out this help.
  • Avoid arguments or power struggles; they may not respond in the same way that another person would.
  • Explain the reasons why certain topics are off-limits.
  • Ask open-ended questions to encourage meaningful conversation.
  • Allow the individual to express both positive and negative emotions.
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