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How to Identify an Elm Tree

Elms are deciduous trees with distinct vase-shaped silhouettes. Identifying them doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By considering the tree’s characteristics and features, you can learn to properly identify an elm tree.


  1. Examine the shape. Elm trees have a characteristic vase-shaped silhouette, meaning that their branches sweep up gracefully. Their crowns are generally narrow but can also be weeping or rounded.
  2. Check the bark. American elm, for example, has dark gray bark, while Chinese elm has smooth bark that is either gray, tan, or reddish-brown. Look for bark that is rough and furrowed with deep ridges.
  3. Look at the leaf margins. When looking at the leaves of elm trees, two common characteristics to look out for are their sharp points and their toothed margins. One way to observe this is to take the leaf and hold it up to the light.
  4. Inspect the fruit structure. Elm trees produce small round capsules called samaras, which contain the tree’s seeds. When these samaras are clustered together, they resemble a propeller or wing.
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