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11 Simple Ways to Detect You Have a Persian Cat

Caring for a Persian cat can be a rewarding experience, provided you know all the right signs that you are indeed taking care of one of these majestic felines. Here are 11 simple ways to detect that you own a Persian Cat.

  • Lush, thick coat - Persian cats boast a luxurious and very dense fur coat, making it one of the most recognizable breeds around.
  • Round, short head - Most Persian cats have a short, round head shape complete with an array of bright eyes.
  • High-maintenance grooming needs - The long fur of the Persian cat needs to be brushed daily and groomed weekly or bi-weekly.
  • Unique facial features - Persian cats can have either a pointed face or a flat face. There are some slight anatomic differences between these two varieties.
  • Diverse color coat - Persian cats can come in many different colors, including white, black, chocolate, blue and silver.
  • Characteristic muscular body - Persian cats tend to have a muscular and cobby body type, with shorter legs and thicker limbs.
  • Short tail - Persian cats typically have a short and stubby tail.
  • Medium size - Persian cats usually stay within the medium size range, with males typically weighing in at 8 to 15 pounds and females tending to max out at 8-12 pounds.
  • Long and low stature - The Persian cat has a low stature with a long body and legs.
  • Intelligent and docile personality - The Persian cat is generally very laid back, gentle and sweet, making it one of the most popular breeds for companionship.
  • Square muzzle shape - Persian cats have a distinctive square muzzle shape, with short noses and deep-set eyes.
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