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Highlighting in the Notes App

The Notes app on iOS devices like the iPhone and iPad provides a convenient way to keep up with your sketches, ideas, and thoughts. It also provides a useful highlighting feature for both handwritten and scanned documents, allowing you to quickly call out important sections of your notes.

Highlighting Handwritten Notes

To highlight a handwritten note simply use your finger or stylus to draw a shape around the text you'd like to call out. A yellow highlight will appear around the text when it's been selected.

Highlighting Scanned Documents

For scanned documents, you can use the Notes App's lasso tool. This can easily be enabled by tapping the lasso tool icon and then simply dragging your finger or stylus to draw a circle around the text you'd like to highlight. Again, a yellow highlight will appear on the text when it's been selected.

Managing Highlighted Text

The Notes app offers a variety of tools for managing your highlighted text. This includes options to delete, print, share, and copy highlighted text. To access these tools, simply tap the highlighted text and a menu will appear with the available options.

  • Delete highlighted text by tapping the Delete option.
  • Print highlighted text by tapping the Print option.
  • Share highlighted text by tapping the Share option.
  • Copy highlighted text by tapping the Copy option.
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