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What is a Seroma?

A seroma is a pocket of fluid that forms outside the cells of the body when the tissue lining the wound separates. It is usually filled with a small amount of clear to milky liquid that contains proteins and various cells - most notably white blood cells. Seromas are usually found in the arms, legs, and abdomen in people who have recently had surgery, trauma, or injury.

Risk Factors

Certain factors can increase the chances of developing a seroma. These can include:
  • Having recent surgery, trauma, or injury
  • Old age
  • Undergoing radiation treatments
  • Being overweight

Home Remedies

Treating a seroma at home may be possible depending on the severity. The following home remedies can be used to treat a seroma:
  • Applying cold compresses to reduce pain and swelling
  • Raising the affected area above the heart to help reduce swelling
  • Gently massaging the area to increase lymphatic circulation
  • Drinking plenty of fluids to help flush out toxins and reduce swelling

When to See a Doctor

Seromas can usually heal on their own, but if the swelling is severe or is not going away, it's important to see a doctor. A doctor can evaluate the area and determine if further treatments, such as drainage or antibiotics, are needed.
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