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How to Have a Long Passionate Kiss With Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend

Kissing your partner can be a deeply intimate and incredibly passionate experience. To ensure your kiss lasts for a while, take your time and savor the moment. You can start by making romantic and sensual gestures, then follow up by having a deep, passionate kiss. After you’ve had your share of French-style kisses, cap it off with a romantic embrace and loving words.


  • Start by getting close to your partner and letting them know that you care for them. Make sure to give them a genuine smile, look into their eyes, and touch their face or arm lovingly.
  • Move closer until your face is within a few centimeters of your partner. Ask them if they're okay with this, to ensure you don't make them feel uncomfortable.
  • Let your lips meet and start off lightly. Get a feel for your partner's lip movements and intensity.
  • When you find yourself in a comfortable rhythm, start to suck lightly on their lower lip, then repeat on the top lip, only for a few seconds. This will spark the kiss to become passionate.
  • Move to small, gentle tongue kisses. Roll your tongue over theirs lightly, then retreat and start again. The key to making this work is to remain gentle, but passionate.
  • Long, passionate kisses usually lead to more intimate encounters. If you're ready for this, go ahead and embrace your partner tightly. Hold them close and whisper sweet nothings in their ear.
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