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How to Quickly Kill Rats and Prevent Their Return

Rats can quickly become a nuisance in your home, and when they do, you’ll need to act swiftly to get rid of them. Follow these steps to quickly kill rats and prevent them from returning to your home.

Step 1: Set Out Baits or Traps

Set traps with bait. Use traps or baits, such as a rodent bait station or snap traps that you can buy in stores or online. Choose foods that are attractive to rats, like peanut butter, chocolate, fruits, and meats. Place the traps where rats are most likely to feed.

Step 2: Illuminate Your Home

The presence of light is a natural deterrent for rats. To keep rats away from your property, illuminate your home both inside and out. This should make the rats less likely to invade your home in the first place.

Step 3: Block Their Entry Points

Rats can easily squeeze through small holes and cracks. Check your home for any potential entry points, such as around pipes, in the attic, and in the walls. Then use steel wool or mesh to block up any holes or cracks, preventing rats from entering.

Step 4: Clean Up

Make sure your home is clean and devoid of food sources for rats. Clean up any crumbs or spills immediately, as rats will take advantage of any food sources. Keep your garbage can sealed tightly and keep an eye out for any signs of rodents.

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