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How to Get Bigger Naturally

Gaining size naturally requires hard work and dedication, however following a few steps can help get you on the right track with minimal effort.

Step 1: Set Goals

Before starting your workout program, it is important to set goals. Determine specific weight or size goals that you are trying to reach and by what time you would like to reach them. This will help provide focus and structure for your program.

Step 2: Understand Nutrition

Nutrition is key in gaining and maintaining size. Eat healthy and nutritious meals with an emphasis on whole grain carbohydrates and lean proteins like fish, eggs, and white meats. It may also be helpful to supplement meals with healthy snacks like nuts and fruits. Additionally, try supplementing with protein shakes and bars.

Step 3: Develop an Exercise Program

An effective exercise program consists of lifting and cardiovascular work. Focus on big compound exercises like squats, bench press, and deadlifts. Cardiovascular exercise is necessary for keeping a healthy heart and burning calories. Aim to do cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.

Step 4: Utilize Restorative Techniques

Recovery is essential for muscle growth. A few techniques that can help in the recovery process include stretching, foam rolling, and getting adequate sleep. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night.

Step 5: Stay Motivated

Stay motivated throughout your program and track your progress with pictures, journaling, or by keeping track of your weight. Keeping a positive attitude and sticking with it will ensure maximal size gains over time.

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