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Types of People You Can Find in a Friend Group

Having a diverse friend group is a great way to get different perspectives on all sorts of issues. Here are some of the different types of people you might encounter in your friendship circle.

  • The Social Butterfly – this is your go-to person for nights out, events, and activities. They’re always ready to be the life of the party!
  • The Listener – this person is the one who will always lend an ear, be a sounding board for your ideas, and help talk you through any tough decisions.
  • The Philosopher – this teammate can often be found discussing the big questions of life. They’re always looking for answers, and looking to learn something from everyone.
  • The Activist – they’re passionate about making the world a better place, and active in causes that make a difference in other people’s lives.
  • The Jokester – this person is always brightening up the room with their wit and humor. They’re the one to turn to when you need a laugh!
  • The Dreamer – they’re always making big plans and having big ideas. They show us that the sky’s the limit!

These are just some of the diverse personalities you might find in your friend group. And no matter who your teammates are, when you’ve got a good group of friends, you know that you’ll always have each other’s backs.

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