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How to Move On From an Emotional Hurt Caused by a Girl

Being emotionally hurt by a girl can lead to feeling hurt, confused, and sometimes even angry. Unfortunately, these feelings can make it hard to keep living life in a positive and productive way. With some guidance, however, you can learn to move on and recover from the hurt, so you can continue to move forward in your life.


  1. Take a break from the girl.
  2. If you want to move on, it is better to take a break from the girl who hurt you. Give yourself some time to regroup your emotions and start the process of healing. During this break, it will be hard to forget but it is important to remain strong and resist the temptation of visiting her.

  3. Talk about your feelings with someone.
  4. Talking allows you to express yourself and let go of all that you have been bottling up. Find someone you trust or a professional who can understand what you're going through and can listen to you. It is important to start airing out your feelings.

  5. Start doing activities that make you happy.
  6. Once you feel better from talking out the situation, start engaging in activities that make you happy and help keep your mind occupied. This can be anything from going for a walk or a run to cooking, playing a sport, or seeing a movie.

  7. Distract yourself with new things.
  8. Discover new and exciting activities that you can learn and do. Once you get involved in these activities, you will become less focused on the girl who hurt you. It will also give you a sense of accomplishment for achieving something new.

  9. Focus on yourself.
  10. Now is the time to take care of yourself. Make sure you get enough sleep, drink water, eat right, and exercise regularly. By taking care of your body you can make sure that your emotions are in check.

  11. Create healthy boundaries.
  12. If you decide to continue your relationship with the girl after some time, it is important to set healthy boundaries in order to protect yourself from any possible repeat of of the situation. Make sure these boundaries are clear and that you both agree to them.

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