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Improving your Posture Fast

Having rounded shoulders can cause aches and pains in your back, neck, and shoulders, and can also make you look shorter and less confident. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to relieve rounded shoulders and fix your posture quickly.

What You'll Need

  • Comfortable clothing
  • Fitness band
  • Yoga mat (optional)

Steps to Improve Your Posture Fast

  1. Check your posture - Stand in front of a mirror and observe your posture. Keeping your feet hip width apart, your chin tucked in, and shoulders pulled back and down can help you stand with perfect posture.
  2. Strengthen your core - Strengthening your core muscles is important in order to support good posture. Try exercises like abdominal holds, crunches, planks, and bridges, or grab a fitness band and use it for stretching and resistance training.
  3. Have proper sleep posture - Make sure to lay on your back in a comfortable position on your bed or mattress to relax the neck and shoulders and prevent rounded shoulders. Place a pillow in between your knees to better support your spine while you sleep.
  4. Stretch - Yoga is a great way to stretch your body and lengthen the muscles affected by rounded shoulders, like your traps and shoulder muscles. If you don't have access to a yoga studio, try following along with a yoga video or stretching in the comfort of your own home.
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