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How to Find and Access Your Gmail Contact List in Your Address Book

Finding and accessing your Gmail contact list can be a bit confusing, but with a few simple steps–it’s easily done! Here's what you need to know to access your Gmail contact list in your address book:

  • Open Gmail on your web browser.
  • Click the ‘Gmail’ tab in the upper left corner. A drop down menu will appear.
  • Select the ‘Contacts’ link.
  • Your Gmail contact list should appear.
  • Go back to your browser and type “Contacts” into the search bar. Click the option that includes ‘’
  • Sign into Google with your Gmail credentials.
  • Your Gmail contact list will be displayed in the left sidebar.
  • Use the search bar to find contacts, or scroll down the list to locate specific contacts.

You now know how to find and access your Gmail contact list in your address book!

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