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How to Do Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient remedy that has gained recent attention for its reported health benefits. It involves swishing oil in your mouth for a period of time in order to trap bacteria and pull toxins out of the body.


  1. Choose an oil to use for oil pulling. Any edible oil will do, but some popular choices are sesame oil and coconut oil.
  2. Start with one tablespoon of oil. Put it in your mouth and push, pull, and draw it through your teeth as if you were swishing mouthwash.
  3. Continue swishing the oil between your teeth and around your mouth for 15-20 minutes. The oil will become thin and milky during this time.
  4. When the time is up, spit out the oil and rinse your mouth with plain water.
  5. Repeat the exercise one to three times a week on an empty stomach.


  • Start slow, swishing for just 1-2 minutes and gradually building up to 15-20 minutes. This will give your jaw a chance to adjust.
  • Don’t worry if you accidentally swallow the oil. It won’t do any harm, but it won’t do your teeth much good either.
  • Make sure to consider the cost of the oil you’re using. Some oils may be more affordable than others.
  • Be patient – oil pulling doesn’t provide instantaneous results. It may take several weeks or months to see any improvement.
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